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Gear Support

All the FAQ for the camping and motorcycle gear we stock.

What size sleeping pad works with the Big Agnes Diamond Park / Echo Park sleeping bags?

The Big Agnes Diamond and Echo Park sleeping bags are designed to fit a sleeping pads from 25" wide, up to 30" wide, 78" tall, and 4" thick. This will provide a nice tight fit and give you that fitted sheet feel on the back of the bag. See video belo

What size sleeping pad should I get?

Width. The standard 20" wide pads tend to be too narrow for most campers and most prefer at least a 25" wide model to avoid their arms, shoulders, or legs from falling off the sides. This also gives you a little extra room for various sleep positions

How much storage space do I need for camping gear on the motorcycle?

For those who are just getting started in moto camping, we suggest you plan for around 30 liters of storage to carry the core camping gear with room for some extras. That's your tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, and pillow. This all depends on the ge

Can you use the Garmin zumo XT2 with the XT mount?

No. Although the XT2 will fit in the XT mount, the power supplied to the XT is 5VDC while the power to the mount for the XT2 is 12VDC. This will cause your XT2 to cycling power and constantly restart. The wiring harness that comes with the XT2 will n